The Mammut 2019 QLD Youth State Lead Titles is the event in which the Queensland State Champion for Lead climbing will be decided for all Youth categories. The championship is also the qualifying event for the Australian 2019 Youth Lead Nationals.

They will be held on 9 – 10 March 2019 at Urban Climb in Brisbane. Full details and registration can be found at the Sports Climbing Australia website for the event.

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Hi all,

The Sport Climbing Queensland AGM is approaching. Please note – in order to vote at the meeting in order to elect your board representatives, you need to be a member of SCQ.

To do this, please see here.

If you are interested in becoming more involved in developing sport climbing, please take note of the following roles that need to be filled for the upcoming 2017-18 competition year.

Board Roles


Vice President




Route Setting

Competition Policy and Judging

Athlete Representative

Team Management


Non-board Roles (able to be filled by any SCQ member)


Social Media

Workshop co-ordinator

Event management

Website assistance

Volunteer co-ordinator

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To all,

The reality is, the continued growth and development of our sport is not a given. It takes hard work, and community contribution.

With the climbing industry in a boom, and with the inclusion of sport climbing in the 2020 Olympics, now is the time to be engaged, and do your bit for the sport you love. Do you love climbing? Are you passionate and willing to put in just a couple of hours every other week? Young, old, climber, non-climber, spectator – it doesn’t matter – if you’re willing, you can be an asset to your community. We want you.

With that said, notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the members of Sport Climbing Queensland Inc. will be held on Wednesday 20 September at New Farm Library, 135 Sydney St, New Farm, with the meeting scheduled to commence at 6.30pm.

We will see you there!

Please find attached information and nomination forms.


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SCQ is seeking volunteers to assist with our stall at BoulderFest on the weekend of the 5th/6th August.

Keeping sport climbing in Queensland growing is a team effort – so come along, help out, and have a great weekend! (There might even be some free food…)

Those interested should contact Scott Bowman at

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Dear Member,

As some of you may have already heard, the Boulderfest at Urban Climb Milton on 5-6 August 2017 will not be the Queensland State Boulder Titles.

However, as many of you know, Boulderfest, in the month August, has traditionally been host to the Queensland State Titles.

Unfortunately, this year, SCA policy changes mean that the boulderfest format for the scheduled Pinnacle Sports BoulderFest 2017 on 5-6 Augustdoes not comply with national standards to qualify as a state titles event. To complicate matters, SCA has not allowed a date change in order for Queensland to comply. (This is something SCQ intends to explore further with SCA.)

Boulderfest will however, still run as a massive social competition, and it will be as fabulous as it always is.

We understand that this development brings complication, frustration and confusion for members.

However, at this stage we do not know if a state titles will be able to be held at all. If this is the case, then we do not know what this means for Queensland climbers hoping to qualify for national and international competitions.

Please be assured we are using our best endeavours to resolve the issues, and we appreciate your patience while we work with SCA to find an appropriate solution for our Queensland climbers.

We will communicate our efforts with you once we have further information for you.

Thanks again for your patience and please accept our sincerest apologies for this inconvenience.

SCQ Board.

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